Filename |
Size |
Description of the Textfile |
d&k.txt 151294 | EROTICA: My Cousin Kristie by Dave Nichols by Studs Manly (1997)
| d_diary.txt | 29176 | EROTICA: Dear Diary, by Parker
| d_palace.txt | 19931 | EROTICA: The Dark Palace by Ron Dalanor
| d_team.txt | 31929 | EROTICA: Dream Team, by Tinker (February 1994)
| dadcoach.txt | 12357 | EROTICA: Dad and the Coach, by Joe Troutt
| dairymen.txt | 22025 | EROTICA: Milking, by Milford Ray Slabaugh (1989)
| daisy.txt | 18115 | EROTICA: Daisy's Debut
| dallas.txt | 20414 | EROTICA: Camping in Dallas
| damage.txt | 28182 | EROTICA: Damage to the Rear
| damon.txt | 14623 | EROTICA: Damon, by Jamie
| dan&drew.txt | 12324 | EROTICA: Dan and Drew, the Boys, by Anonymous
| dana.txt | 36578 | EROTICA: Dana, by Dirty Dawg
| dancer.txt | 36239 | EROTICA: Dancer
| dancer01.txt | 10650 | EROTICA: Dancer
| dancin.txt | 16217 | EROTICA: Dancin' In the Dark
| danemanr.txt | 17480 | EROTICA: Dane Manor, by John Sellers
| danger.txt | 37188 | EROTICA: The Dangerous Detour, by Arc Light
| dani.txt | 40354 | EROTICA: Dani: Created in Her Image
| dannie.txt | 15854 | EROTICA: Dannie Boy
| dare.txt | 19584 | EROTICA: Dare
| daria.txt | 13902 | EROTICA: Daria's Discipline by Mastercat
| daria1.txt | 12543 | EROTICA: A Surpriring Passion, by Daria, the Little Devil
| dark&del.txt | 34599 | EROTICA: Dark and Delicious, by Eros
| dark&del2.txt | 38399 | EROTICA: Dark and Delivious by Eros (1997)
| dark_one.txt | 26999 | EROTICA: The Dark One
| darkeye.txt | 10131 | EROTICA: Dark Eyes and Blonde, by David Lee
| darkness.txt | 15251 | EROTICA: Darkness of Knight
| darkness2.txt | 10144 | EROTICA: The Good Side of Darkness by June and Lizzie Smith
| darknite.txt | 78232 | EROTICA: Dark Nites
| darkpass.txt | 10280 | EROTICA: Dark Passion
| darkroom.txt | 29730 | EROTICA: The Dark Room, by J. Verhagen
| darkstni.txt | 11716 | EROTICA: A Dark and Stormy Night
| darla.txt | 22288 | EROTICA: Darla
| datemom.txt | 16340 | EROTICA: A Date with mom, by Eros
| daughter.txt | 67171 | EROTICA: Daughter's Horny Urge, by Eros
| daughtrs.txt | 25188 | EROTICA: Two loving Daughters by Eros (1997)
| dauinlaw.txt | 11766 | EROTICA: Donna, My Daughter in Law, by Jeff Davis
| dautmine.txt | 7521 | EROTICA: Daughter Mine
| dauturg.txt | 75627 | EROTICA: Daughter's Horny Urge, by Eros (1997)
| davejudy.txt | 10108 | EROTICA: Dave and Judy, by Zeta
| davetor1.txt | 5405 | EROTICA: David's Torment
| david.txt | 5277 | EROTICA: David, by Rich Jones (1987)
| davy.txt | 14407 | EROTICA: Davy Jones Locker
| davyjon.txt | 14198 | EROTICA: Davy Jones Locker, by Dan Aloha
| dax.txt | 264532 | EROTICA: Dax
| daxkira.txt | 20427 | EROTICA: A Trill and a Bajoran: Inter-Species Relations (October 16, 1994)
| daybeach.txt | 8551 | EROTICA: A Day at the Beach, by Pat L. Durante
| daydream.txt | 4933 | EROTICA: Daydream, by Deirdre
| dayhorse.txt | 6362 | EROTICA: A Day With My Horse, by Hawse
| dayinjul.txt | 28562 | EROTICA: A Day in July, by Paul and Don
| daylife.txt | 30433 | EROTICA: A Day in the Life
| dbl_fun.txt | 39084 | EROTICA: Double the Fun, by Baron Darkside (1997)
| dblteam.txt | 24689 | EROTICA: Frank's Surprise
| dcamping.txt | 11580 | EROTICA: Desert Camping, by Buteo (1994)
| ddd.txt | 19700 | EROTICA: DDD
| deadlove.txt | 5369 | EROTICA: The Dead Love by Pat O'Brien
| deal.txt | 6674 | EROTICA: Deal, by Deirdre
| dean.txt | 63998 | EROTICA: The Dean of Discipline, by David White (1985)
| deanna.txt | 78997 | EROTICA: Deanna by laura Leigh
| deb-teri.txt | 10087 | EROTICA: Deb and Teresa
| deb.txt | 2058 | EROTICA: Deb
| debating.txt | 18731 | EROTICA: The Debating Society
| debbie.txt | 5856 | EROTICA: Debbie
| debbie1.txt | 25749 | EROTICA: The Debbie Letters to Aquavite
| debbie2.txt | 14754 | EROTICA: Debbie's Passion, by Studs Manly (1997)
| debby.txt | 14926 | EROTICA: Debby, by Double Secret Author (1997)
| debby2.txt | 35450 | EROTICA: Debby
| deborah.txt | 9853 | EROTICA: Deborah, by Taka Hike (1998)
| debra.txt | 12404 | EROTICA: Debra
| debt.txt | 10442 | EROTICA: Debt, by Deirdre
| deca.txt | 47188 | EROTICA: Debbie Does DECA, by Rev
| december.txt | 24148 | EROTICA: A December Fantasy, by Mark A. Foster
| deceptio.txt | 33707 | EROTICA: Deception, by Leigh
| decision.txt | 12534 | EROTICA: Decisions, by That One Skunk (1994)
| decker.txt | 26624 | EROTICA: That Time of the Month, by Julie Woodcock
| deepblue.txt | 39861 | EROTICA: Deep Blue
| deepdive.txt | 11762 | EROTICA: Deep Dive
| deepfist.txt | 12881 | EROTICA: Deepfist
| defiant.txt | 5766 | EROTICA: A Defiant Girl, by R. Mendosa
| delight.txt | 17822 | EROTICA: Delight
| delurk.txt | 7492 | EROTICA: Delurk....
| denise.txt | 12840 | EROTICA: Dennis with an E
| denise2.txt | 21310 | EROTICA: Denise
| denisetk.txt | 16384 | |